Coastal Heritage Collection
Coastal Heritage Collection
Domestic Life
The Fishery
In Service
Serving Girls
Business & Community
Serving Girls
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Experience at Being a Serving Girl, Agnes Pike
Servant Girl, Margaret Goudie
Adventures of a Servant Girl, Nellie Yetman
Experience at being a Serving Girl, Agnes Pike
Servant Girl, Margaret Goudie
Around the age of fourteen, many local women got their first work experience as a serving girl, usually helping out with a large family, often when the mother had just had another baby, or was away in hospital.
In Service
Serving Girls
Domestic: Everyday Life
Domestic: Love & Marriage
Domestic: Skills & Traditions
Fishery: Fisherman's Wife
Fishery: The Changing Fishery
In Service: Serving Girls
In Service: Lighthousekeeping
Health: Health Professionals
Health: Nursing Station
Health: Health at Home
Health: Patients' Stories
Education: Teachers
Education: Students
Bus & Com: Women in Business
Bus & Com: Community Leadership